Sunday 27 March 2011

Unite Ghanaians

01-03-11                                               NEWS COMMENTARY            LOVE
ANN: News commentary today stresses the need for Ghanaians
           To unite, love and forgive one another taking a cue from
            The recent meeting between former President Agyekum
            Kufuor and his successor Prof. John Evans Atta Mills
            The script is written by George Asekere of GBC-Radio
            Newsroom in Accra and read by…………
            LIB FILE: LOVE
            CUE IN: In His……
             CUE OUT: …better Ghana.
ANN: Commentary emphasized the need to put behind the past
          Forge ahead in love for the good of the country. The writer
           Was George Asekere of GBC-Radio Newsroom in Accra.                    His script was read by….

In His message to the hopeless people of Jerusalem who were exiled in Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar, God told the already dejected exiled people to pray for the welfare of their enemies and seek the good of the land. Again when the Sadducees asked Jesus of the greatest among the Ten Commandments, he responded by saying love your God and neighbor as yourself. The latest International Student’s Edition of the Oxford Advanced Lerner’s Dictionary defined love as a strong feeling of deep affection for somebody or something.  In fact, it is not easy to love and forgive people who have willfully caused you pain especially when the said pain lives a scar in once entire lifetime; yet this is exactly what our creator has instructed us to do. The Lord Jesus Christ is reported to have said that the limited times one can forgive is 77x7 which translates to 539 times. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission has an inspiring, motivating and perhaps one of the hardest instruction its mission statements, Love for all, Hatred for know. This, coupled with other religious commands is indicative that life is incomplete without fulfilling this difficult yet mandatory assignment. It is true that to err is human and to forgive is divine. However looking at the nature of our culture, Ghanaians should have little difficulty in putting behind us the past mistakes, forgiving one another and forging ahead as one people common destiny. After meting out one of the world’s worst human genocides on each other, the Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda are today marrying from reach other’s clan. This further consolidates the fact that though we are humans and fallible, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. Former President John Agyekum Kufuor must be commended for honoring the invitation of his successor John Atta Mills to the Castle at the time many people are of the view that the nation is divided along partisan lines. If the two former political arch-rivals could meet, discuss issues that are certainly, in the interest of the nation and decide with fidelity and faithfully abide by that, by not making public what they discussed, Ghanaians have no other option but to learn from these two true honorable statesmen. Despite our individual values, political ideologies, ethnic diversity and religious difference, the good people of Ghana believe the interest of Ghana supersedes any other. Psychologically we relieve our selves of so many burden and trauma any time we forgive and do something good to our friends who have offended us.  Many scholars continue to wonder why God described David as a man who did not stagger at the promise of God through unbelief thereby justifying him as righteous when in actual fact David connived with his wife and allowed another man to fornicate with her. His secret was love and forgiveness. This is a man who forgave and wept bitterly on the death of his son Absalom when the child had overthrown him as King and slept with his wives. This is the kind of true love that Ghanaians can emulate. Let us bear in mind that there can only be one political head at time who leads at the instance of a majority decision. We may not like a style of a leader but we own it a duty to support anyone elected democratically so we can together build a better Ghana.

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