Sunday 27 March 2011


 24-02-11                               NEWS COMMENTARY
ANN: Today marks the 46th Anniversary of the overthrow of
          Ghana’s first president Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
          In news commentary George Asekere of GBC-Radio
          Newsroom in Accra examines the rise and fall of Dr.
         Nkrumah. His script is read by…….
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ANN: Commentary examined the rise and fall of Dr. Kwame
            Nkrumah as CPP marks the 46th Anniversary of his
           Overthrow. The script was written by George Asekere
             Of GBC-Radio newsroom in Accra and read by…..
To many Ghanaians February 1966 will forever remain one of the darkest days in the history of Ghana. It was on this fateful day that one of the Greatest Pan-Africanist and Ghana’s most revolutionary leader Dr.Kwame Nkrumah was over thrown in a coup de’tat led by Emmanuel Kotoko whilst on a state visit to North Vietnam and China. It is true that the overthrow of Nkrumah sent shocking waves across the globe perhaps due to his enviable charismatic leadership style and his preparedness to have a united state of Africa at all cost. On the contrary, many Ghanaians rejoiced, called him names and even wished him dead following his fall confirming the claim that a prophet is not recognized in his own home. Of course no body doubts the achievements of Dr.Nkrumah and no political leader has since his overthrow been able to attempt a half of what Dr. Nkrumah did. The Akosombo dam, the University of Science and Technology, the Tema Harbour, Industries, as well as health facilities and road constructions are just a few of what he did. 46 years after his fall Ghana still parades herself over the things that Nkrumah did and they represent the pillars of our economy. Yes the good works of Ghana’s first president have been written with an indelible ink and cannot be wiped but what we seems to have forgotten is the fact that people everywhere in the world are more comfortable when they have freedom and not necessary a boost in infrastructural development else the people of Iraq would not have bothered about the regime of former president Saddam Hussein. In this direction it is only fair to tell the story on the other side of Nkrumah in order to minimize the rate of demonizing those who overthrew him. For instance Dr.Nkrumah enacted a legislation in 1958 which restricted various freedoms in Ghana. After leading strikes himself, Nkrumah hypocritically introduced the Trade Unions Act which made strikes illegal upon becoming president. He used his Preventive Detention Act to cause the arrest and detention of his political opponents without due process of law in the judiciary system. In fact the only true legal recourse at the time was personal appeal to Nkrumah.  To make matters worse, President Nkrumah in 1964 proposed a constitutional amendment making the CPP the only Party and himself a life president. This eventually transformed his presidency into a de facto legal dictatorship. Franking speaking events prior to Nkrumah’s overthrow could only be liked to the present state of Muhma Gadarfi’s leadership in Libya. At the zenith of his power president Nkrumah warned against the use of the title president by any other person apart from himself. He loved Education and yet his regime is credited with the most political affront on intellectual freedom in this country. He imposed his ideas as a course of study at the University of Ghana and virtually remote controlled the vice-chancellor. Power they say corrupts and this is exactly what happened to President Nkrumah. His overthrow was therefore justifiable. Admittedly, Dr. Nkrumah did far better than all the so called liberators, redeemers, revolutionaries as well as the all the democratically elected leaders in post independent Ghana. Nkrumah is dead and it is the prayer of all that God keeps him in his bosom. Long leave his great ideas, long leave Ghana.

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