Friday 24 August 2012


I have long wondered the truth or otherwise of the statement-The voice of the people is the voice of God. In any case man was created-at least from the Christian perspective-in the nature of God so may be the voice of the people when equated to the voice of God or even resemblance of His voice may not be out of place. Yes we were created in His image and tasked to act according to his principles, but do our voices truly reflect that of God? I reflect with shock, the incident recorded in the book of Daniel chapter six where some people wrongfully but deliberately accused Daniel to King Darius and succeeded in getting Daniel thrown into the lion’s den. Make no mistake; the God of Daniel rescued him. What will have been your own comment if you lived in the town where Portipha’s wife accused Joseph with convincing evidence of attempted rape on her? Surely the fact is not always the truth. Better still have you ever been falsefully accused before?Whatever your experience,never disregard the adage that the person who wears the shoes feels how it pinches.Nevger act in the name of pleasing the masses at the expense of your senses.Let me share a divine experience Ihad on the 28th of August this year.But first waite a minute.I have been picking trotro from the Labadi to the University of Ghana-legon. I noticed that most of the vehicles take more than the required number of passengers.The first time I tried to tell the driver to do the right thing, I had a shock of my life with the response that followed.From the drivers mounth,if you cant bear with us get down.Inoticed other passengers were prepared to juntr into the car if I dared got down.,.I insisted oin my right,the ladies in the car as if an arranged thing collective said ah you too,be a gentleman.Gentleman,may be I have to look up the dictionary for that word again as a good student. I was ythe lone voice that day and only God knows what they said in Ga throught the journey..On the 28th,I decided to bord another trortro to legon from the same station.This time I was poised to be a man and act as such line with how my peers trained me in the village- hit back and do it harder anytime you are hit.Before I left the house, I prayed-Lord give the courage to insult back if they insult me for saying the right thing. What if they are older people?my culture will not permit me to say anything for the child is to be seen and not head.I thought of another strategy-many of killing a cat.I decided to go for a lawyer so I could be bold.I took enough glasses fo red wine and toped it up with whisky and palmwine.Boy I feel I was  rulling the world. I joined the trotro and sat right infront of the driver  with a gum as if I was over fixated at the oral stage as postulate by the neurologist turned psychologist-Sidmund Freud. Lucky on my part the mate add additional two passengers.I said wow, no financial loss for buying the drinlk.Bold as I wads I told the driver masa, the car is full and you adding two people,what happens in the event of an accident. There I noticed the insurance on the wind screen had expired. I said,dear passengers the driver is putting our lives at risk.To my astonishment –I heard beyifo-wizard,nothing will happen, one pointed at  the big cross on my neck and said some you Christians are devils. Aye ka, I said with a broad smile.Two said,leave that guy alone, we dought if he is not touching. As if that was not enough the driverwas over speeding but I was under the influence of alcohol so to be sure other force did not make it seem to me the car was over speededing, I turned and said don’t you thing the driver is speeding too much.That one did not go down well with them so I had no option than to shut up.Within the wtinkle of an eye the brakes failed and the vehicle run into two elctrity poll broke them run into a gutter sausaulted until it hit a nearby  building.All of us remended Jesus. Only God saved me as the driver tried to give myside to the pool.My side damaged more than any other part of the vehicle yet I was the only one who was not rushed to the 37 military hospital-For me it was the Grace not my deeds. On the serious note I could have died-just like that.Im going to legon and come . It could happen to you.Soi let us insist on doing the right thing for right is right even if all are against it.We should also remember to be humble since we can just leave this place anytime it pleases God.Vanity of vanity  is all vanity ans the book of Excllessiats states.For perspectives Im George Asekere reporting.

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