Friday 23 March 2012


The activities of some men of God are assuming criminal dimensions and these must be of concern to all. In the name of demonic possession, some pastors direct their followers to mete out inhuman atrocities including burning, severe beatings, and the use of hot irons on human beings, all in the name of casting out evil spirits. Unfortunately we live in a society where people fear to challenge or criticise the so-called men of God for reasons no one can scientifically or logically explain. It is true that God has warned of these things in the end times, but should we sit unconcerned for innocent children, old women and the poor in general to suffer at the hands of some people who profess to be men of God? What beats the imagination of many is the unexplained reason why the demon possessed or witches that are usually identified by these questionable pastors are always, the poor or less educated in society. In most of these cases both the victims and their perpetrators appear to lack wisdom. In the Bible, God warned that His people will perish for lack of wisdom. King Solomon asked his son David to seek wisdom and understanding. Although the need for wisdom appears basic, it will be fatalistic or at best pessimistic to assume that all people will seek it in all they do.

This notwithstanding the laws of the land must be seen to be working. Our laws are not are clear when it comes to dealing with issues of inhumane treatment of alleged to witches. The perpetrators should be made to suffer the appropriate punishment for their offence. The clergy has a responsibility to help expose charlatans who tarnish the image of Christianity. The Ministry for the Interior and Human Rights organisations need to keep eagle eyes on the activities of these pastors. After successfully failing in their prophecies and predictions on the rapture or end of the world, Ghanaians will be doing themselves a great disservice by believing every word from these latter day men of God. Once again, elections are here with us and very soon, these pastors who behave as if they are PROs for God will in the name of divine directives be declaring winners and losers of the polls before the EC comes out to officially announce its verdict. These charlatans must bear in mind that whilst many in their congregation will follow them whilst they think they are triumphing, few will stand by them when they are exposed. May God have mercy on us all. Long live Ghana.


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